John Eakin - Air Data Research

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a similar occurrence search and what can I learn from one?

This is a search of accident, incident, and/or mechanical difficulty databases to find information concerning all similar occurrences relating to the history or service record of that aircraft type/model. This information often provides vital clues in determining the failure process. Many investigators like to have a list of all known failure types so they can check off all but obvious failures and concentrate on unusual factors.

Does the computer do all the work?

Absolutely not. There is no substitute for an experienced investigator who can quickly eliminate all extraneous/improbable reports. ADR searches are intentionally broad to allow for unexpected, though beneficial, results, and a computer cannot adequately determine what is or is not useful.

How does an accident investigator benefit from ADR's services?

Our similar occurrence searches have been compared to an interview with a pilot or mechanic with extensive experience on that make and model of aircraft. ADR provides all relevant records without overwhelming the user with excess material that cannot be adequately reviewed.

Why are these databases not better known and more widely used?

Crude software and inexperienced search personnel have made it difficult to obtain quality information. ADR has decades of experience in aviation and has developed specialized retrieval software to provide clients with the most reliable data.

What if an aircraft model has had few or no accidents/incidents?

While possible, the chances are good there are a number of very similar models that share the same system or component you're interested in. Our specialists can quickly research airframe, engine, and system commonality to ensure you receive all relevant information.

Why can't I do the same thing using free, online services?

You can, but most agencies don't provide access to all their records or even all the data fields. Even if all the relevant data and software tools were available, you would still need to consider the time and effort necessary to find the appropriate information.

When/how can ADR's search results be delivered?

All orders are filled within one business day, and we do our best to accommodate rush orders. It is not uncommon to receive the requested information within one hour via email. Most of our clients prefer to receive reports in Adobe Acrobat PDF files, though we can easily provide data files which can be imported into Microsoft Access or other database programs.

Is there a guarantee?

We are proud of our work and stand behind it fully. If for any reason you're not satisfied or the data we provide isn't helpful, we'll do whatever it takes to make it right. There is never a charge to discuss your project, give you a rough idea of what is available, and provide a firm price. Even if we can't provide what you're looking for, we probably know who can and will happily tell you.